For two hot afternoons in the summer of 2020, COVEN BERLIN hosted a paranormal and deeply personal walking tour at the invitation of Feldfünf e.V. for their show Flaneurin* oder Spaßverderberin*?. Through paranormal activity reports and measurements, we invited our audience to discover the often-forgotten history of the now-famous Hot Alien Cruisers around the Südliche Friedrichstadt. We also opened up about our personal, emotional, sexual, romantic, and spiritual relationship with these beings <3. Through it all, the urban landscape of the Kiez transformed into a queer and feminist cosmovision full of haunts and spooks, as real as they are invisible. Here are the photos.
An excerpt from this work was published on diffrakt.
The Owl House Watches was restaged as well as discussed by COVEN in an artist talk at the ICI Berlin in 2021.
Performance Photos by ink Agop:

Exhibition photos by Joseph Devitt Tremblay:

Brochure, designed by Sophia Krasomil:

PERFORMANCE by Frances Breden and Louise Trueheart, Lorena Juan, Vivien Cahn, Harley Aussoleil, Hester Trueheart.
CONCEPT, CREATION, AND DEVELOPMENT by Frances Breden and Lorena Juan.
ALIEN ARTIFACTS in collaboration with Cooper Lovano.